IMS for Athletes

IMS for Athletes: Enhancing Mobility and Sport Performance

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As an athlete, you're constantly pushing your body to the limits to achieve your goals. While this dedication is admirable, it can also take a toll on your body, leading to pain, stiffness, and decreased mobility. That's where IMS (Intramuscular Stimulation) comes in. IMS is a form of dry needling that can help enhance mobility, reduce pain, and improve sport performance. In this blog post, we'll explore what IMS is, how it works, its benefits, and where athletes can receive IMS treatment.

What is IMS?

IMS is a technique used in physiotherapy that involves inserting thin needles into muscles and soft tissues to relieve pain and tension. It's based on the principles of traditional Chinese acupuncture, but instead of targeting acupuncture points, it targets tight knots of muscle known as trigger points.

How does IMS work?

When a muscle is overused or injured, it can develop trigger points, which are areas of tightness and tenderness. These trigger points can cause pain and restrict movement. IMS works by inserting a needle into the trigger point, which stimulates the muscle to release and relax. This can improve circulation, reduce inflammation, and restore mobility.

Benefits of IMS for Athletes:

  1. Reduces pain and tension: IMS can be effective in reducing pain and tension caused by overuse or injury. This can help athletes recover faster and get back to training sooner.

  2. Improves mobility: By releasing tight muscles and reducing tension, IMS can improve range of motion and mobility, which can help athletes perform better.

  3. Enhances sport performance: Improved mobility and reduced pain can help athletes perform at their best, allowing them to achieve their goals and reach their full potential.

How does IMS compare to other therapies?

IMS is similar to other forms of dry needling, such as trigger point dry needling and acupuncture. However, IMS is specifically focused on targeting trigger points in muscles, whereas acupuncture targets specific acupuncture points throughout the body. IMS may also be more effective for certain types of pain and injuries.

Where can athletes receive IMS treatment?

Athletes can receive IMS treatment at Human Integrated Performance (HIP), a clinic located in Edmonton, Alberta. The clinic offers physiotherapy services, including IMS, and is staffed by experienced physiotherapists who specialize in sports injuries and rehabilitation. Click here To learn more about HIP's services or to book an appointment.


IMS is a valuable tool for athletes looking to improve mobility, reduce pain, and enhance sport performance. By targeting trigger points in muscles, IMS can provide effective relief from pain and tension, while also improving mobility and range


Q: Is IMS painful?

A: IMS involves inserting needles into muscles, so some discomfort may be felt. However, the needles are very thin and the discomfort is usually minimal. Most patients report feeling a slight "twitch" or "ache" sensation.

Q: How many IMS sessions will I need?

A: The number of IMS sessions required will depend on the individual and the nature of their injury or pain. Some patients may feel immediate relief after one session, while others may require several sessions over a period of weeks or months.

Q: Is IMS covered by insurance?

A: IMS may be covered by some insurance plans, but it's important to check with your insurance provider to confirm coverage.


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