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What is a Chiropractic back adjustment and Is It Safe?

Written by Human Integrated Performance | Dec 6, 2020 4:00:00 PM

What is a Chiropractic back adjustment

and Is It safe?

Chiropractic plays a vital role to treat and prevent your pain and injuries that interfere with your daily routines. The Chiropractic Adjustment aka ‘crack’ or spinal manipulation is a safe and effective treatment option for back pain, neck pain and leg and arm complaints.

What is a Chiropractic Adjustment?

A Chiropractic Adjustment is a hand-on technique that forms part of a Chiropractor’s treatment plan.

The adjustment is not as simple as cracking your knuckles. A chiropractic adjustment is a high velocity low amplitude thrust applied to a synovial joint at its end range of motion.

This just means that it is a quick gentle impulse of force applied to a joint. It is commonly but not always accompanied by a pop sound which is just the release of gas from the joint capsule.

When applied to specific joints it can help to relieve pain, stiffness, tension and improve range of motion.

Some refer to the adjustment as the entire treatment however more often than not, the adjustment to spinal or joints of the arms and legs are used together with…

  •  Other soft tissue (muscle, tendon, nerve) techniques
  • Other joint mobilisation techniques
  • Exercise Prescription
  • Education on the nature of your condition and what you can do to feel better and avoid further injury

Why see a Chiropractor?

Low back/pelvic pain, neck pain and headache are the most common problems for which people seek chiropractic adjustment however, chiropractors can effectively treat the entire musculoskeletal system.

This includes all the joints, muscles, and nerves of the body. 

Generally speaking, Doctors of Chiropractic (DC) are spine, muscle, joint and nervous (nerve) system experts.

As part of your overall treatment, the chiropractic adjustment can help your recovery from:

  • Accidents
  • Sport injuries
  • General aches and pains
  • Symptoms related to degeneration like osteoarthritis
  • Post surgical pain and limitations

Chiropractic care can also be used to help individuals perform and feel their best. 

Chiropractors work together and collaboratively with your other health providers to manage your health challenges. The adjustment (chiropractic treatments) can be an alternative or used together with other treatments.

What Are The Risk and Benefits of a Chiropractic Adjustment?

As with any medical procedure, all types of therapies including the adjustment come with certain risk.

Weighing the pros/cons of any treatment is always advisable.

Chiropractic treatment has been demonstrated to be effective for complaints of the neck, back and other areas of the body caused by nerves, muscles, joints and related tissues. Treatment by your chiropractor can relieve pain, including headache, altered sensation, muscle stiffness and spasm. It can also increase mobility, improve function, and reduce or eliminate the need for drugs or surgery.

Risks associated with chiropractic care include temporary strains or sprains, skin irritation, disc aggravation, rib fracture and stroke. These will be discussed in detail with your chiropractor before you are treated so you understand all the potential risks. 

4 Tips and Reminders for a safe and effective Chiropractic Adjustment

Remember all the questions your chiropractor/doctor asks before your physical exam?

Well, some of those questions are to assess your risk for side effects of therapy. Answering these questions completely allows your chiropractor to make the most accurate risk assessment and plan alternative treatment or referrals if necessary.

1. Tell your chiropractor if you’re taking any medications.

Medications like blood thinners or birth control pills can put you at an increased risk for bleeds or stroke. Other medications like corticosteroids can decrease your bone density over time putting you at risk for a fracture. 

2. Do mention if you have a history of stroke, arthritis, osteoporosis and other medicalconditions.

A previous history of stroke or clots can put you at greater risk for a second stroke. Some medical conditions can also put you at greater risk for brittle bones, slow wound healing or increased pain after getting adjusted.

3. Ask questions and be a part of your care.

Chiropractors have a wealth of knowledge and will be able to address any concerns you have. If there is a particular treatment you don't want or are nervous about tell your chiropractor and they can avoid those treatments.

4. Sit back and relax!

Chiropractors are trained professionals who know exactly how to treat musculoskeletal problems. Relaxing and taking some deep breaths can make treatment more comfortable and enjoyable. 

Chiropractic treatments do not involve medication or surgery and promote health, quality of life and injury prevention. Patients that choose chiropractic adjustments as part of their overall care report decrease pain, improved function, enjoyment and participation in previously stopped activities.

Don’t live with pain! Book your chiropractic consultation NOW


Is a chiropractic adjustment painful?

There is little to no pain involved in a chiropractic adjustment. You may feel pops and cracks, but you should not feel any intense pain. Some chiropractic patients do experience some mild soreness or minor aches after a visit.

Why is it associated with stroke and am I at risk?

Blood flows to the brain through two sets of arteries passing through the neck. These arteries may become weakened and damaged, either over time through aging or disease, or as a result of injury. A blood clot may form in a damaged artery. All or part of the clot may break off and travel up the artery to the brain where it can interrupt blood flow and cause a stroke. Many common activities of daily living involving ordinary neck movements have been associated with stroke resulting from damage to an artery in the neck, or a clot that already existed in the artery breaking off and travelling up to the brain. Chiropractic treatment has also been associated with stroke.

However, that association occurs very infrequently, and may be explained because an artery was already damaged and the patient was progressing toward a stroke when the patient consulted the chiropractor. Present medical and scientific evidence does not establish that chiropractic treatment causes either damage to an artery or stroke.