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IMS Intramuscular Stimulation: Boosting Athletic Performance

Written by Human Integrated Performance | May 12, 2023 4:00:00 AM

Table of Contents:

I. Introduction
II. What is IMS?
III. How Does IMS Work?
IV. IMS vs. Dry Needling
V. Benefits of IMS for Athletes
VI. Finding an IMS-Trained Physiotherapist
VII. Injury Recovery with IMS
VIII. Conclusion


Athletic performance is crucial to success in sports, but it is also heavily dependent on maintaining a healthy body. Injuries can be detrimental to an athlete's career and can lead to missed training sessions and competitions. Fortunately, there are several forms of physiotherapy available to help athletes recover from injuries and improve their overall performance. One of these techniques is Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS), which uses fine needles to release muscle tension and promote healing. In this blog, we will explore IMS and how it can benefit athletes in their pursuit of peak performance.

What is IMS?

Intramuscular Stimulation, or IMS, is a technique developed by Dr. Chan Gunn in the 1970s. It involves inserting fine needles into the skin and underlying muscles to release tension and promote healing. IMS is based on the principles of traditional Chinese acupuncture, but it differs in its approach and application. While acupuncture targets specific points on the body's meridians, IMS focuses on the muscles and nerves that are causing pain or dysfunction.

How Does IMS Work?

IMS works by targeting areas of muscle tension, also known as trigger points. These trigger points can cause pain, stiffness, and restricted movement. By inserting fine needles into these trigger points, IMS can release the tension and promote healing. The needles used in IMS are much finer than those used in acupuncture, and they are inserted directly into the muscle. This can stimulate the muscle fibers and nerves, leading to increased blood flow and oxygenation, and decreased inflammation.

IMS vs. Dry Needling

IMS is often compared to dry needling, as both techniques involve the use of fine needles to target muscle tension. However, there are some key differences between the two. Dry needling is a generic term that refers to any technique that uses needles to target trigger points. It is typically performed by physical therapists, chiropractors, or other healthcare providers. IMS, on the other hand, is a specific technique that was developed by Dr. Chan Gunn. It is only performed by trained IMS practitioners who have completed a rigorous certification process.

Benefits of IMS for Athletes

IMS can provide several benefits for athletes who are looking to improve their performance and recover from injuries. Some of these benefits include:

  1. Increased Range of Motion - IMS can help to release muscle tension, which can improve joint mobility and range of motion.

  2. Pain Relief - IMS can provide immediate pain relief by releasing tension in the affected muscles and nerves.

  3. Improved Muscle Function - IMS can help to improve muscle function by promoting blood flow and oxygenation, and reducing inflammation.

  4. Injury Prevention - By releasing muscle tension and promoting healing, IMS can help to prevent injuries before they occur.

Finding an IMS-Trained Physiotherapist

If you are an athlete who is interested in trying IMS, it is important to find a physiotherapist who is trained in this technique. IMS is a specialized form of physiotherapy, and not all physiotherapists are trained to perform it. Look for a physiotherapist who has completed a certification program in IMS, and who has experience working with athletes.

Injury Recovery with IMS

IMS can be particularly helpful for athletes who are recovering from injuries. By targeting trigger points and promoting healing, IMS can help to speed up the recovery process and get athletes back to their training and competition schedules faster. IMS can be used to treat a variety of injuries, including:

  • Muscle Strains
  • Tendinitis
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Tennis Elbow
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Shin Splints
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

IMS can be used as a standalone treatment or as part of a comprehensive physiotherapy program. Your physiotherapist will assess your injury and determine if IMS is an appropriate treatment option for you.


IMS is a powerful technique that can benefit athletes who are looking to improve their performance and recover from injuries. By targeting trigger points and promoting healing, IMS can provide pain relief, improve range of motion, and prevent injuries from occurring in the future. If you are an athlete who is interested in trying IMS, be sure to find a physiotherapist who is trained in this technique and has experience working with athletes.