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Harnessing Hope: Practical Tips for Managing Dissociation

Written by Human Integrated Performance | Jan 11, 2023 2:45:00 PM

Do you ever feel like life is running away with you? Like no matter how hard you try to stay present, your thoughts and emotions are on autopilot leaving you feeling disconnected from yourself and the world around you. Disconnection often leads to feelings of helplessness or exhaustion. You may even find yourself dissociating – a process that can make it difficult to recognize reality and distinguish between inner experiences. Though daunting, it’s possible to reclaim control into your own hands by learning how to use mindfulness-based practices and other strategies to address dissociation symptoms. In this blog post, we'll explore what causes dissociation, how it manifests in our everyday lives, and practical tools for overcoming these challenges so that you can go back and live an empowered life on your own terms.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Defining Dissociation, Symptoms and Causes
Understanding How Dissociation Affects Our Everyday Lives
Practical Strategies to Overcome and Reduce Dissociation Symptoms 
Mindfulness-based Practices 
Empowering Yourself to Live an Authentic Life


Introduction: Defining Dissociation, Symptoms and Causes

Dissociation is a complex mental process that occurs when the mind disconnects from certain memories, thoughts, feelings, or perception of reality. It can occur in a variety of forms, ranging from daydreaming to severe mental health disorders such as dissociative identity disorder (previously known as multiple personality disorder). In its milder forms, it can be beneficial for helping us cope with difficult situations or traumatic events and provide us with a sense of detachment. In more serious cases however, it can lead to an inability to recall important personal information and unhappiness or confusion about one's identity.

There are several different symptoms associated with dissociation. These include depersonalization (feeling disconnected from your body), derealization (the feeling that the world is not real), amnesia (inability to remember events or personal information), altered states of consciousness (for example feeling out of control or feeling like you're watching yourself in a movie), and physical sensations such as numbness or tingling.

The precise cause of dissociation is not yet known but there are several potential factors involved. These include psychological trauma, substance abuse, relationship issues and family dynamics, cultural issues, extreme stress levels without adequate coping strategies and preexisting mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety. It is thought that dissociation may also be linked to genetic factors which predispose someone to developing this condition. Whatever the cause may be, it is clear that dissociation can have profound effects on an individual's life and should be taken seriously by those around them who may notice changes in their behavior.

Living with dissociation can feel like an overwhelming, relentless journey. It can leave you feeling lost and disconnected from the world around you—as if your reality is slipping away. But it doesn’t have to be that way; there are methods available that can empower you to navigate this experience more constructively and gain back some control of your life. Hope lies in the possibility of finding better ways of coping, healing our wounds, and reclaiming hope for the future — through thoughtful guidance on how to approach those disorienting moments when everything feels off-kilter or out of alignment. In this blog post, I will discuss practical tips for managing dissociation that can make all the difference in taking steps forward.

Understanding How Dissociation Affects Our Everyday Lives

Dissociation, a coping mechanism which allows us to detach from ourselves in order to cope with trauma and difficult events, affects our everyday lives more than many of us realize. It can manifest itself in different ways: daydreaming or spacing out, feeling disconnected from our emotions or physical bodies, forgetting important facts or memories, or feeling like we’re an outside observer watching our own life happen.

At its core, dissociation is a defense system that helps us protect ourselves when we feel overwhelmed by negative emotions. It’s a way of “protecting” ourselves from emotional pain. The problem is that while it may temporarily help us to cope with difficult moments and situations, it can also cause lasting damage if used chronically as a form of self-protection. When we dissociate, we effectively “check out” of reality and don’t allow ourselves the opportunity to actually process what is happening around us. This disconnection can lead to feelings of confusion and ultimately may contribute to mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

It’s important for us to become mindful of how we react in times of stress and understand the effects these reactions have on our lives. If you find yourself frequently using dissociation as an escape from uncomfortable feelings and situations, it might be time to reach out for help from a therapist or another mental health professional who can guide you through processing these difficult emotions in a healthy way.

Practical Strategies to Overcome and Reduce Dissociation Symptoms

Dissociation is a form of mental disconnection that can cause a person to feel disconnected from their body, thoughts, emotions, or environment. It is a common symptom of trauma and can be quite debilitating for those who suffer from it. Fortunately, there are many practical strategies that can help reduce and even overcome dissociation symptoms.

One effective technique is grounding. Grounding involves bringing yourself back into the present moment through tangible activities. Examples of grounding techniques include: focusing on the five senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch), taking deep breaths, stretching or walking around, drinking water or eating something healthy, counting out loud to ten or twenty, journaling about your thoughts and feelings without judgment or criticism, and talking to someone who won't judge you or make you feel like you're going crazy. All of these activities help bring awareness back to the current moment and away from the dissociated mental state.

Another helpful strategy is cognitive restructuring. Cognitive restructuring helps reframe how we think about an experience so as to move away from negative patterns and beliefs that perpetuate our distress. This involves identifying any negative thinking patterns and then challenging them with more realistic alternatives—asking ourselves questions such as “How likely is it that this will happen?” or “What other options exist?” This process allows us to gain insight into different perspectives so as to be more accepting of our experiences rather than feeling overwhelmed by them.

Lastly, mindfulness exercises are another great way to control dissociation symptoms. Mindfulness practices focus on being present with whatever physical sensations are occurring in your body without judgment or attachment—simply noticing them without getting caught up in rumination about them. Examples of mindfulness activities include meditation (both guided and unguided), yoga poses with mindful breathing techniques incorporated into them, progressive muscle relaxation exercises (tightening then gradually releasing each muscle group), guided imagery exercises (visualizing yourself in a safe place), listening to music with headphones while focusing on the rhythm and melody of the song, coloring books with intricate designs which require focus on each line and shape drawn by hand. All of these activities allow us to become aware of our physical sensations and remain connected with reality rather than slipping into dissociative states where we feel disconnected from ourselves or our surroundings.

Mindfulness-based Practices

Mindfulness-based Practices involve a range of activities that promote awareness, non-judgemental acceptance and increased presence in the present moment. It is an evidence-based approach to mental health and well-being that can help break the cycle of stress and fear that so often leads to anxiety, depression and other psychological issues. Mindfulness-based Practices include mindfulness meditation, yoga, mindful movement, and breathwork. Mindfulness meditation is an ancient practice dating back thousands of years, which encourages us to be aware of our thoughts and feelings as they arise in the moment without judgment. This helps us to become less reactive to our own emotions and gain insight into how we are feeling instead of resisting them.

Yoga is another form of mindfulness-based practice which combines physical movement with mindful awareness of the body. By focusing on one particular aspect such as breathing or a particular pose at a time, we can learn to focus on the present moment without being distracted by what has happened before or anticipating what may happen in the future. Mindful movement also encourages us to become aware of physical sensations such as tension or relaxation as we move through different movements. Lastly, breathwork or pranayama is an ancient practice from India that teaches us how to control our breath in order to bring about feelings of calmness and relaxation. All these practices are useful in helping people manage their mental health issues such as anxiety, depression and trauma by reducing stress levels, improving concentration levels and aiding with emotional regulation.

Empowering Yourself to Live an Authentic Life

Living an authentic life means making choices that reflect your true identity and values. It requires you to take ownership of your life and make decisions as an individual, not as part of a group or based on the expectations of others. An authentic life is one where you have a deep understanding of yourself, what is important to you, and how you want to live in the world.

To achieve this, it requires you to know who you are fundamentally and to live by that truth. This means that if something no longer aligns with who you truly are, then it’s time to change it up and make adjustments accordingly. It also requires being intentional about learning and growing in all aspects of your life—emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually—and taking action based on these learnings. You must be willing to push yourself out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself so that you can continually progress and develop your skillset further.

Most importantly, when striving for an authentic life, remember that mistakes are inevitable– they do not define who you are but are opportunities for growth toward becoming a better version of yourself every single day.


It’s easy to be intimidated by the thought of addressing the underlying causes of dissociation, and how daunting it can seem. Yet, if you find yourself locked in a cycle of dissociative episodes, there are powerful tools out there that can help you break free and reclaim your sense of wholeness. By taking inventory of our sensory environment, engaging in mindful self-talk, practicing grounding techniques and prioritizing our mental health with talk therapy, we can begin to prolong the space between our symptoms and better equip ourselves with the right support needed for safe passage through higher levels of distress. Recovery is all about affirming that we have the capacity within us to face whatever comes our way with an empowered mindset while standing firmly in who we are. Taking control takes courage and dedication - contact us to get started on your journey toward holistic healing.


What is dissociation and what are some symptoms of dissociation?

Dissociation is a mental process that can cause a disconnection or separation between different parts of a person's thoughts, feelings, memories, or sense of identity. Symptoms of dissociation can include feeling detached from oneself or one's surroundings, amnesia or memory loss, feeling as though one is in a dream or fog, feeling as though time has slowed down or speeded up, and having a feeling of being disconnected from one's body.

How does dissociation affect our everyday lives?

Dissociation can affect various aspects of our everyday lives. It can cause us to feel detached and disconnected from ourselves and others, as well as our thoughts and emotions. It can lead to difficulties with concentration, memory and decision-making, and can even make daily tasks more challenging. Additionally, it can affect our relationships, our jobs, and our overall wellbeing.

What are some practical strategies to overcome and reduce dissociation symptoms?

Some practical strategies to overcome and reduce dissociation symptoms include Mindfulness-based practices, and empowerment. Mindfulness-based practices such as meditation, deep breathing, and journaling can help to increase awareness and focus on the present moment. This can help in reducing feelings of dissociation and promote a sense of groundedness. Additionally, empowering yourself by seeking therapy, counseling, or support groups and building a support system can help in learning about yourself, discovering coping strategies, and in the long term, learning to live an authentic life.