Learning & Education

Accelerate Injury Recovery with IMS

Written by Human Integrated Performance | Apr 26, 2023 1:45:00 PM

Injuries can be a major setback in your daily life, hindering your mobility and causing pain. While traditional physiotherapy is a commonly used method of injury recovery, it may not always be the most effective or efficient. In recent years, Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) has gained popularity as a complementary treatment to physiotherapy, offering a unique approach to injury recovery through dry needling of trigger points in the muscle.

Table of Contents:

I. Introduction

II. What is IMS?

III. How does IMS work?

IV. How is IMS different from other treatments?

V. Benefits of IMS for injury recovery

VI. Conditions treated with IMS

VII. What to expect during an IMS session

VIII. Potential side effects and risks of IMS

IX. Conclusion


Injuries can be frustrating, painful, and disruptive to our daily lives. Whether you're a professional athlete or someone who enjoys staying active, an injury can put a damper on your routine and limit your mobility. While physiotherapy has traditionally been the go-to treatment for injuries, Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS) is emerging as a popular alternative that can accelerate injury recovery.

What is IMS?

IMS, also known as dry needling, is a form of therapy that involves inserting fine needles into specific areas of the muscle. The needles target trigger points or tight bands of muscle, stimulating a healing response and promoting increased blood flow to the area.

IMS is based on the theory that when muscles become tight or injured, they can develop trigger points that cause pain and dysfunction. These trigger points can radiate pain to other areas of the body, creating a cycle of pain and tension.

How does IMS work?

IMS works by targeting trigger points in the muscle with fine needles. The needles are inserted into the muscle, causing a local twitch response. This twitch response is a sign that the needle has found the trigger point and is releasing it.

The twitch response also stimulates the body's natural healing response. The increased blood flow to the area promotes healing and reduces inflammation, accelerating injury recovery.

How is IMS different from other treatments?

IMS is different from other treatments in that it focuses on the trigger points or tight bands of muscle that can cause pain and dysfunction. While physiotherapy may use similar techniques, such as massage or stretching, it may not be as effective at targeting the specific areas of tension.

IMS is also different from traditional acupuncture. While both treatments involve the use of needles, IMS targets specific muscles and trigger points, while acupuncture focuses on balancing the body's energy flow.

Benefits of IMS for injury recovery

IMS offers several benefits for injury recovery, including:

  1. Accelerated healing: By targeting the trigger points in the muscle, IMS stimulates the body's natural healing response, promoting increased blood flow to the area and accelerating injury recovery.

  2. Pain relief: IMS can provide immediate relief from pain by releasing tension in the muscle and reducing inflammation.

  3. Improved range of motion: IMS can improve range of motion by releasing tension in the muscle and promoting healing.

  4. Targeted treatment: IMS targets specific areas of tension in the muscle, providing a more effective treatment than traditional physiotherapy.

  5. Minimal side effects: IMS is a minimally invasive treatment with few side effects, making it a safe and effective option for injury recovery.

Conditions treated with IMS

IMS can be used to treat a wide range of conditions, including:

  1. Sports injuries: IMS can accelerate the recovery process for athletes with injuries such as strains, sprains, and muscle tears.

  2. Chronic pain: IMS can provide relief for chronic pain conditions such as back pain, neck pain, and headaches.

  3. Repetitive strain injuries: IMS can help to relieve the tension and pain associated with repetitive strain injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome.

  4. Post-surgical recovery: IMS can be used as part of the recovery process after surgery to promote healing and reduce pain.

What to expect during an IMS session

During an IMS session, a trained therapist will insert fine needles into specific areas of the muscle. You may feel a slight prick as the needle is inserted, followed by a twitch response as the needle finds the trigger point. The therapist may also move the needle slightly to target different areas of tension.

The needles will remain in place for several minutes, and you may feel a dull ache or tingling sensation in the area. After the session, you may experience some soreness or bruising, but this should subside within a few days.

It's important to note that IMS should only be performed by a trained therapist, as improper use of the needles can cause injury or infection.

Potential side effects and risks of IMS

While IMS is generally considered safe, there are some potential side effects and risks to be aware of. These include:

  1. Soreness: After an IMS session, you may experience some soreness or bruising in the area. This is normal and should subside within a few days.

  2. Infection: There is a small risk of infection with any invasive procedure, including IMS. To minimize this risk, it's important to ensure that the needles are sterile and that the therapist is using proper hygiene practices.

  3. Nerve damage: While rare, there is a small risk of nerve damage with IMS. To minimize this risk, it's important to ensure that the therapist is properly trained and using the correct technique.

  4. Allergic reaction: In rare cases, some people may have an allergic reaction to the needles or the materials used in the IMS process.


If you're looking to accelerate injury recovery, IMS may be a safe and effective alternative to traditional physiotherapy. By targeting specific trigger points in the muscle, IMS can promote healing, reduce pain, and improve range of motion.

It's important to work with a trained therapist who can perform IMS safely and effectively, and to be aware of the potential side effects and risks associated with the treatment.

Ultimately, whether you choose IMS or another form of therapy, the key to injury recovery is to seek treatment early, follow a comprehensive treatment plan, and give your body the time and support it needs to heal.